Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1 day in Marrakech, 1 day in Essaouira, and one day throwing up

Yesterday I got back from a trip to the famous city of Marrakech, and the not quite as famous city of Essaouira. Marrakech was wild. There is a famous part of the city called Jamaa Iffna. This is the square in the city where snake charmers, monkey handlers, story tellers, musicians, fruit stands, and acrobats set up shop and pull in the starry eyed tourists like myself. As soon as I entered the squared I was flanked by two monkey handlers who proceed to put one monkey on each arm, and then each shoulder. I was ok with it, it was one of those "what the heck I'm in Marrakech things". What I wasnt ok with though was how much he charged. They wanted 200 dirhams per monkey. Outraged, I refused and me and this guy argued for decent amount of time. After seeing he would budge, I payed him 100 dirhams angrily and left. After a few minutes he found me again, apologized, and gave me 50 dirhams back.
At night in Marrakech I sat around as Moroccans would tell stories around lantern light in the middle of the square. A crowd would gather and listen. It was in Darija, so I didnt understand but it was still entertaining to watch and guess what the story might be about. Another cool experience was sitting around a circle of musicians and just soaking in the music. It was pretty incredible.

Essaouira was a more laid back city, situated right on the Atlantic. Essaouira's clame to fame is that Jimmy Hendrix threw a concert there once. It was a nice change from hectic Marrakech. Essaouira is a cool city (temperature wise) known for its persistent wind.

As the title says, I spent a day throwing up. I'm assuming it was something I ate in Marrakech or Essaouira, but on the bus ride back to Rabat, I knew something wasn't right in my stomach. I nearly made it back before pulling over to lose my lunch. I spent a day throwing up, feverish and achy, but now I'm feeling good as knew.

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