Friday, September 18, 2009

Welcome to the Medina

In the Medina the streets are narrow and plentiful. Streets range in width from about a wingspan to wide enough to drive a car down. The building tower on each side, preventing you from seeing any distinguishable landmarks to help you navigate to wherever it is you are heading. All you see is painted walls lining each side of you up to about 4-5 ft. where it goes white all the way to the top. Its the kind of place where you leave your house and head with determination in one direction, lets say east. You take all the necessary turns and straightaways to keep going east, and after 5 minutes you end up back at your door, having approached your house from the west.

I found the directions I first wrote down to find my way from my school to my house, both in the Medina. I found them amusing. It will help give you an idea of how you mentally keep tabs of where you are in the Medina

1) Take a right out of the CCCL (School)
2)Take first right
3)Left at 4-way
4)Left at brown door
5)Right at black
6)Left at archway
7)Right at yellow-gray
8)Left at black and red door
9)Go straight...ish
11)Right off of bigger street

...Completely useless directions in any other context but here. You can only pick one thing to notice about each turn or change in direction you make, mentally label it somehow, and then hope that when you take that route again it sparks your memory. Although at this point I am starting to get used to it and can get to school and back by instinct.



  1. I love hearing little cultural vignettes like that :) We prayed for you last night at Hope 4 the Nations as a group and will continue to keep you in our prayers!

  2. Thanks so much. I have been so blessed by peoples prayers.
